Application for Provisional Approval of Residencies in Podiatric Medicine


Podiatric Medicine and Surgery Residency Application for Provisional Approval

This application and supporting documentation must be submitted prior to activation of the residency, at least 9–12 months before the anticipated starting date. RRC and the CCPME require that the program’s director is the individual responsible for submitting all materials to the CCPME related to all application, on-site evaluation, and approval processes. The entire review process for a residency requesting approval may require a period of 12 months from the time an application is received in the office of the Canadian Council on Podiatric Medical Education until the CCPME takes an approval action.

Please submit the application and supporting documents to the CCPME office on two flash drives. Each flash drive is to include this completed form and the documentation in response to questions 9–11 pages 15–16 (supplemental materials) in PDF format, as a single bookmarked continuous document. Hand-written responses and hard copy documentation will not be accepted.

The $1,500 application fee, made payable to the Canadian Council on Podiatric Medical Education, must accompany the application. The application will not be processed until the sponsoring institution submits all required materials, including the application fee.